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Big Suppluh

All this talk about Big Pharma. Well, there used to be these things called "Rail Roads," and they were Big and controlled a lot of the old-time American Economy, and they had Influence, and controlled Legislative Bodies and Executive Branches and Judiciaries. Nowadays however Rail Roads are a Foot Note.

Well, railroads are a good idea. Trucks are for moving freight around inside cities, and trains are for moving freight around between cities. Call it a Stalinist if you must, but there is an economy of scale. No matter. We've moved beyond railroads, and reality is what it is.

Same though with the drug companies. They are very important, very powerful, because people give them a lot of money because they want and think they need the drugs. Money is for getting power -- even if only the power to fulfill material dreams, buying things to be happy. But in this instance it's about influence and power -- lobbyists and favorable laws for large corporations. No point in complaining about it. If you don't like Big Pharma, don't need their drugs.

What, though, if you have issues? What if a doctor looks at your situation and says you're sick and such and such is the cause and here's a drug you must take for the rest of your life in order to suppress the symptoms until your death? What then? Well. We do not give in, give up, submit, merely because of an opinion. We investigate for ourselves, research, find alternatives, find solutions. We never crumple. We stand, or we fall and then stand, but we never lie down and fall asleep in the snow. Is there no one who loves us, that we should despair?

Medical doctors are about illness and drugs, not about health and healing. Suppression, instead of cures. No, not all doctors of course, but the Establishment, man ... Big Medi. Yes, it's simplistic. But it's true. Don't take medicine, drugs, unless they cure, or rather aid your body in curing itself -- or at least improve the quality of your life more than they hurt it. Better, provide your cells proactively with what they need, feed them the nutrients, the necessities that allow them to do the job they're made to do. Metabolic competence. Nutritional rationality. Rather than diktats based on theories and imposed from far off centralized bureaucracies. Who knows, maybe New Deals and Five Year Plans and Great Leaps Forward could work ... someday. And maybe toxic drugs are the best way of dealing with some diseases -- the kind where you're about to die, so try anything.

The doc sees an issue, and assumes it is the problem. A logical fallacy. An alternative is that with excellent nutrition and some time, will come healing, and the "medical" problem -- health problem, rather -- should go away. Provided the body is given a chance to heal itself. When it comes down to it, our concern is not with causes, but with cures, not with problems but solutions. It's not about blame, it's about results.

There are needs that people will not fulfill for themselves, until someone else starts the process. It's what friends do for each other -- we care about each other, and show it by caring for them, tangibly, whether materially, or emotionally, or what have you. There are limits, boundaries, and that's a nuanced thing, but there are clear needs as well, and helping in such instances is not only a pleasure, it's a duty. If you do not have the expertise, you still have the ability to encourage. That's a medicine, too. But it's friendship, and it's love, as much as it can be shown.

We protect and fight for and sacrifice and are loyal to what we love -- country or family or friends. It's faithfulness, without which everything is betrayal. That's no way to be.


CrossFit Burbank


age 57

age 69

Dr. Jeffery Life.  Advertizes himself all over the internets. Self-prescribes human growth hormone. At his age, this is defensible ... but he should have been doing CrossFit.

Object lesson: the importance of hormones.

FitWorks: hormones made here.



CrossFit Burbank


Juicing is not actually all that incredibly great an idea -- mostly what you're getting is the carbs and some colored water -- good nutrients in that, but it's only part of what should be available. All that pulp is fiber, and all that color in the pulp is nutrition, usually being tossed out. Waste is a sin.

So dig out your gramma's old Champion Juicer from 1979
that you inherited from her estate and keep stored under the kitchen sink, and put it to use.  Or any juicer.  Or a good blender.  Just Do It.  Take, say, bags of frozen chopped spinach and Brussels sprouts and mustard greens and turnip leaves, and romaine lettuce and endives and parsley and arugula, celery and yellow carrots and half a red onion, and so on -- all the salad stuff that it's a chore to eat -- and run it through and then blend it all together again, if it's not already, juice and pulp.

You'll get a pitcher full of slow thick green goo.  Divide it into, oh, say, six cups, maybe the disposable kind if you don't care about The Planet. Put them in the freezer, and you're ready to go. Why, you've invented a vegetable drink concentrate. You're a genius. Hope you don't put Welch's out of business.

In the morning, drop a frozen block into the blender (maybe you let it soften up a bit overnight in the fridge), add lots of cold water, get something more than two glasses out if it.  Add a bit of Braggs for seasoning. Put it in a big sippy cup, to remind you to sip, not swill. Icy cold.  Have an avocado with it ... some tomatoes ... uh, eggplant?  Whatever.  Eat.  Eat good food.

Mmm, it's so good, so delicious and easy too!  Tell your friends!  Get five days or a week's worth done at a time, the equivalent of a quite unreasonably large and onerous salad, but  nothing except fantastic nutrition.  Frankly, you're a genius.

Makes literally every nutrient available, no need for cooking since the fiber is completely broken up, sipped so there's no overwhelming of the enteric enzymes -- really easy.  How else  could anybody be expected to eat chard, whatever that is, or bok choy, whatever that is.  Yuck.  Now you deserve a reward ... other than the reward of perfect nutrition.  Go get yourself a shiatsu massage. Loosen up that slab of cement you use for a back.

Be excellent.


CrossFit Burbank

What Carbs Are For

There are three kinds of macro nutrients, the caloric nutrients: protein, fat and carbohydrates. We must eat protein, for the 8 or 9 essential amino acids which our bodies cannot synthesize. We must eat fats, for the essential fatty acids, EFAs, which likewise cannot be synthesized. And while protein and fat are certainly used for caloric energy, the body is generally wise enough to spare the essential nutrients, the building blocks, unto the extremis of starvation.

But what of carbohydrates? There are no essential carbs, because there is only one carb, glucose. All forms of carbohydrates, complex or otherwise, digest solely into glucose, C6H12O6, and glucose is not essential. We can synthesize it out of protein, and substitute it with fat.  That doesn't mean it's not necessary -- otherwise why break down valuable protein into worthless glucose.  But it is not, technically, essential.

Looks bad for the plants, then, doesn’t it, in the Macronutrient War of Supremacy between carnivores and herbivores. Since there is no essential carb, no dire need for glucose (for all that there is gluconeogenesis), what then is the purpose of carbs? The case can be made, and has been, that an entirely animal-based diet is actually healthful for humans. So?

The fallacy of the logic is in emphasizing calories. Nutrition is not caloric only, as even the most primitive understanding must affirm, what with our modern Space Age 1950s knowledge of vitamins and minerals. No calories there, but plenty of nutrition. It’s not about calories any more than cars are about only fuel -- which is essential, yes, but does not define a car. The substance of and the reason for a car make it a car -- the metal, the motor, the potential and the purpose. Bodies, then, are not made of calories.

The necessary, the essential contribution to diet and health that carbs make to mankind is not via glucose calories. It is instead the phytonutrients, all those tens of thousands of molecules, bioflavonoids and lignans and isothiocyanates and phenols and saponins and thiols and who knows what all -- there are tens of thousands -- that feed our immune systems and our nervous systems and all our systems, so that we may have health, vibrantly, and life abundantly -- rather than just, oh, say, metabolism.  Sponges have metabolism.

That’s what is essential, from plants. Not a few amino acids, or a few fatty acids, and certainly not that blunt macronutrient, that nonessential of glucose. Rather, so vast and anonymous a mass of chemicals that their essential nature is lost in the flood and loses its force for its ubiquity -- individually negligible perhaps, but in array they create optimal health beyond the aspirations of any parasitical and prematurely-old carnivore. The greater the volume of nutrient-rich calorie-poor plant material eaten, the less cancer, the less degenerative disease, the less ... well, you make the list.

As for glucose, why is there such a caloric redundancy? -- since protein can be converted into energy, and since fat is energy. Indeed, considering that investigation suggests the brain and CNS function more efficiently when fueled by fat, via ketons, why does glucose even exist as a fuel?

The purpose of glucose is to make us fat. This is a good thing. Glucose raises insulin levels. It is a hormone manipulator. That is its job. Every day we need to store a little fat away, so we can make it through the nightly fast we end with breakfast, which breaks our fast with a daybreak feast. We need to store away more than a little fat as well, come the long dark desert of winter, when in humanity’s brief harsh history the choice has so often been to live off your fat, or starve.

The practical lesson of this insight is that nutrient-rich calorie-poor carbs such as fibrous vegetables and leafy greens are practically free fountains of youth and health, whereas the calorie-dense nutrient-poor carbs -- the grains, the starches, the white powders and flours and crystals -- have the metabolic function of making us fat. That’s their job, and they are good at it.

If you want to get fat, then, or stay fat, well God in his wisdom has provided a means to that end. Breads and cakes and muffins, and sugar and honey and high fructose corn syrup -- why, they have their own tiers on the Food Pyramid! All of these, and so much more, will definitely blast up your insulin level so that you can achieve the goal you must be coveting. After all, why would you do the thing that guarantees a result, if you don’t what that result?

So there it is. There is an essential nature to carbs, and it is two-fold. There is an infinitude of non-caloric phytonutrients, meant to feed your immunity and health and vitality. Meantime, carbs are the carriers of glucose, which manipulate insulin to feed your need to store body fat, for night and for winter. Without any ability to store fat you would be a true diabetic, who in olden days starved to death, no matter how much they ate. Not much danger of that nowadays. In these our modern circumstances, we can just about do away with the hibernation side of the dietary coin. But it’s good to know about.

Upshot? We could call it The Nutrivore Diet, or The Anti-Boreal or The Tree of Life or The Not-Stupid Diet, but what we want is optimal nutrition, defined as getting every nutrient we need, abundantly, and nothing in excess that would unbalance our homeostasis and our equilibrium. Simple. Leafy and fibrous plants, fruits, moderate complete grains, legumes and beans and seeds and nuts in condiment portions.  That is a lot to eat, and a lot of eating.  Who could be hungry, on that?  So?

Be excellent.


CrossFit Burbank
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