You've heard of the artist. Of course you have. A certain A. Hitler? Who was, by the way, a vegetarian.

Turn that frown upside down, mister.
He was taking a leisurely luncheon on a balmy München afternoon in the giddy summer of '32, when it came to him as an inspiration. Later he slipped the sketch to Jakob Werlin, head of Daimler-Benz: "Take it with you and speak with people who understand more about it than I do. But don't forget it. I want to hear from you soon, about the technical details." It's refreshing to find a leader who doesn't think he knows it all, and who knows how to delegate ... that was Carter's problem.
And the rest is, as they say, history.

Buy the dream.
Isn't it funny where things come from?
Yep. Strength is good. When it's sane. Balanced, with endurance, and speed, and flexibility -- and benevolence, sanity, and not being evil. We must be speaking of another sort of strength. Yes, we are. The healthy kind. That can be earned through a diligent character, using self-discipline and intelligence.
That's what meaningful exercise is about. Keeping a focus, using safe and effective techniques, to gain admirable goals of self-improvement.
FitWorks. We do that. Focus, effectiveness. Your excellence is our excellence. We're good for each other.
Be excellent.
CrossFit Burbank