A horse fly. Horse flies are for killing. Who knew that they were beautiful.

Flies. Beelzebub is the lord of flies. But they can't be all bad.

The grasshopper. Very discreet -- deadpan.

A bee. And its pollen.

A harvestman. Seems to be missing a leg. Life is hard.

Jumping spider, male.

Jumping spider, female.

Body shot. She's hot.

Ladybug. Not a good name.

There are dragons -- Chinese dragons. They're just an inch long, is all.

Even a weevil -- such crasftsmanship.
You don't have to get along with God. But surely you must believe in him. Him. There has to be an explanation, for beauty. An explanation that isn't casuistic. But maybe there's no such thing after all. Maybe rationality itself is random.
What matters is results. If you'd like to be beautiful as a bug, eat right, and exercise effectively.
Be excellent.
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