That is a bother. Heat is bad. You know that because heat is bad for your car engine. How could it be good for us? It is certainly bad for athletic performance. So is a veg diet bad for exercise? Yes. A grain diet, high carb even unrefined, is not ideal. This seems clear on theoretical grounds.
In terms of performance, reliable anecdotal evidence indicates that endurance seems a bit less on the raw-vegan-no-oils-or-supplements diet. Never argue with reality. It's not unexpected. First, such a diet is too theoretical -- too pure and idealistic. That's not how reality seems to work. Reality is about reality.
Just as different types of fuel combust differently in an engine, producing more or less heat, more or less power -- that's how it is with carbs and fats. When you have almost only carbs, glucose, to burn, it burns instantly, too much heat for the power. Fat burns cooler, more controlled, with more energy available for movement, if there is movement. We know this is so because fat generates almost no heat in its digestion -- whereas carbs and protein make a lot more thermogenesis. If fat is not utilized, it just circulates, or it gets stored as, uh, fat -- as will glucose too, if it's not used. Glucose doesn't store. If it's not burned it gets changed into glycogen or triglycerides. Think of glucose as flash and fat as glow -- one all intense and mistimed, too much expended all at once, and the other steady, cool, reliable.
Glucose is designed to be brain and organ food. It shouldn't be the primary energy source for muscles. So, that it is less efficient in muscles makes sense. Athleticism is about efficiency. Athletes are better at using fat as energy than are non-athletes. Metabolism is trained too, you see. Fat is designed to be muscle food. If you do extraordinary feats, you need an extraordinary diet. Carbs may be great for treks across the Kalahari, or working all day in the fields, but that's not athletics.
Well, that's the whole point of it. Athletics is about physical excellence. It's more than an appearance, although it has an appearance. Train for excellence -- by way of diet and exercise.
Be excellent.
CrossFit Burbank