President Garfield was killed by Charles Julius Guiteau,
who wanted to be made ambassador to Paris. When his dream was dashed by the cold reality of his complete lack of qualifications -- like, sanity -- God told him to buy a gun. Having plagiarized a book on theology, Guiteau counted himself sensitive to the Lord's will, secured a revolver -- not as pearl-handled as he had wished -- and killed Garfield. At trial his defense was that he was legally but not medically insane. All the while he was planning his triumphal post-trial lecture tour and campaign to run for president in 1884. On the scaffold, he asked for an orchestra to play so he could sing a poem he had written: "I Am Going to the Lordy."
McKinley was shot by Leon Czolgosz,
anarchist of the Emma Goldman flock. The president had to die because, uh, there are rich people. Bang. Czolgosz was electrocuted, zap, his body dissolved in sulfuric acid and his papers and clothes were burned. Good riddance.
Kennedy? Well aside from the Mafia, which does not exist, and the CIA, and Castro and Johnson,
and, uh, all the others involved in the conspiracy, like the Dallas police, there was Oswald.
Who was a Marxist.
Theodore Roosevelt was shot but not killed by John Flammang Schrank.
TR, with a bullet lodged in his chest, continued to give his speech, for another ninety minutes. As for Schrank, he wrote poetry and was told by God in a dream to avenge McKinley's death. So, of course, what else could he do? He spent the rest of his life in an insane asylum.
FDR was shot at by Giuseppe Zangara,
a delusional bricklayer, who instead shot five other people, killed a woman and Anton Cermak the mayor of Chicago, who threw himself into the line of fire. Zangara's motive: he hated rich and powerful people. Madness? Who can say.
Truman was shot at by Puerto Rican leftists, Oscar Collazo, right,
and Griselio Torresola.
Ford was shot at by Manson freak Squeaky Fromme
and by SLA radical Sarah Jane Moore.
Samuel Byck
-- a Sean Penn look-alike
-- was a psychiatric patient, who tried to join the Black Panthers and also incidentally wanted to fly a plane into the White House, to kill Nixon because the government conspired to oppress the poor. He killed the pilot and co-pilot, then himself. Bang bang bang.
Reagan was shot by John Hinkley
to impress Jody Foster.
The madman thought that Jody might be interested in a man of his caliber.
Saddam Hussein
tried to get HW. So, another madman.
Frank Corder,
a drug dealer, tried to fly a plane into Clinton. Francisco Duran
fired 29 rounds at what he thought was Clinton. Tourists tackled him. His defense at trial was that he was trying to save the world from a mist fed by an umbilical cord connected to a space alien hidden in the lofty mountains of Colorado. He might not have been insane.
Robert Pickett,
emotionally problematic and employmentally aggrieved, stood this side of the fence and unloaded a handgun at the W White House. Sentenced to three years. The gun got off scot free again. Then on 9-11, aside from other notable events, some dudes tried to sneak into Bush's motel room in Florida.
These two pasty geniuses,
Paul Schlesselman and Daniel Cowart, complete with swastica tattoos, had it against Obama, as did these three, Shawn Adolf, Tharin Gartrell and Dwaine Johnson,
also geniuses.
So that's about it then. Everyone who's gone for a president. But it just seems like maybe ... maybe there's another one? OH! LOL!!! How silly!!!!!! LINCOLN! HAHAHAHA!!!!!! Killed by a man who thought slavery was a very good thing.
Assassins are all insane, or extremists, or potheads. People who listen to their delusions and want ambassadorships for which they are not qualified. Well. There is craziness that does not lead to murder. Dishonesty is a sort of madness. Reality should be affirmed, after all. The political blame-game is nothing but shameful. Let's not be shameful. Let's be, oh, say, excellent. And integrity applies to the physical as well as to character -- to lifestyle as well as philosophy.
So? No blame. Accountability. Sensible exercise, sensible diet. No excuses, only valid reasons. You do know what that leads to. It leads to excellence. So?
Be excellent.
CrossFit Burbank