It's not AEROBICS: low-grade arm-flapping and slow slog-jogging. If you train, the purpose should be to go faster, longer, stronger -- not plodding, for however long. Get there fast, able to carry more than just body fat. Sometimes life requires that you carry objects, while you’re running away ... you know, like a baby.
It's not BODYBUILDING: bigger but not meaningfully stronger or more functional -- sort of puffy. If you train weights, you should be more powerful, harder and leaner for men, more shapely and toned for women. Thor, and the 300 -- not Arnold and Sylvester; Linda Hamilton, not Mae West.
Male or female, being a HERO requires more than just wanting it, more than having a heroic character. It means actually being able to do heroic things. If you run into a burning building to rescue an imperiled puppy, you’ve got to be able to actually save it. Otherwise you’re a heroic victim. Nice try. Bad outcome. We’ll send flowers. But all you would have had to do to succeed, was to prepare. Train.
So, going slow for a long time, or being bloated with sodden muscle tissue, well, there is a better way. We do constantly varied, functional movements at high intensity. We train to be good at the broadest spectrum of physical skills, using real-world, multi-joint movements. Not isolated -- integrated. We treat the body not like a bag full of hinges, eek eek eek, but like a spring -- every part is involved in getting the job done. You know, functional. Athletic.
Intensity is why some folks just don’t want to do CrossFit. It’s not as easy as sitting on a bench pumping those guns. Intensity requires some unpleasantness. It’s worth it, because intensity is the reason exercise gets results. Has to do with hormones. Look into it.
Or not. But maybe yes? Because quality matters, and time runs out.
CrossFit Burbank