It's entirely possible that pressure points can do odd things. We've all hit our funnybones, and that proves something. It's remotely possible that there is some actual but immeasurable force that might be transmitted without recourse to the physical universe. It's certain that we have not seen it here. Those of us who have seen the name-it-and-claim-it hairdoo preachers on TV will recognize the falling bodies. Emotion and fraud. Satan loves religion.
That an old man should delude himself is pitiable. That his "blackbelt" disciples, steeped in Hongywood acrobatics, should collude or fall prey to the delusion is shameful. That some MMA fighter should beat up this foolish old man is just the way of the world. Harsh lessons may or may not be necessary, but the world is full of them, regardless. So we'll comfort ourselves by supposing they're necessary.
Let's look for the lessons, and learn them, before we end up crumpled on the floor, bleeding, in shock, and mortified. Let's not be fools. Let's test all things, and hold fast to that which is true.
Be excellent.
CrossFit Burbank